Tales From The Catacombs
A group of Dungeons and Dragons players approached me to create character illustrations for their online stream, aiming to visually represent each character's unique personality and backstory in a fantasy style. I met with the players to understand their vision, discussing key attributes such as race, class, and notable features. After refining the sketches based on their feedback, I detailed the illustrations with expressive facial features, poses, and costumes.
The final artwork, enhanced with carefully chosen color palettes and shading, received positive feedback, enhancing the stream's visual appeal and helping viewers connect with the characters. The detailed and cohesive style enriched the storytelling aspect of their sessions.
Dusty Tales
I was commissioned to create character illustrations for a western-themed tabletop adventure game, aiming to depict diverse characters that embodied the Old West's spirit while reflecting each player's unique traits.
I met with the players to discuss their character concepts, then researched period-specific clothing, weaponry, and cultural elements. Initial sketches focused on defining silhouettes and iconic features like hats and coats.
The final illustrations featured bold lines and a muted, earthy color palette, with details like weathered textures and expressive faces. The artwork was well-received, enhancing the game's visual and thematic immersion, and adding depth and authenticity to the players' experience.
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